Chapter Thirteen –
First Journey of Paul
ACTS 13:42-52:
In our previous lessons, we began the first journey of Paul. It began in
of Syria and from there; Barnabas, Saul, and John Mark went down to
From Seleucia, they caught a ship to
and landed at
They would share the Gospel of Jesus as Christ in the synagogues of the
As Barnabas
and Saul came to
they crossed paths with the proconsul and a sorcerer who had been acting as
his advisor. As the proconsul wanted to hear from Barnabas and Saul, the
sorcerer withstood them.
Saul, who
will now be called from this point forward, Paul; openly denounced the
sorcerer and struck him blind by the power of the Lord. This would give
cause for the proconsul to believe the words concerning the teaching of the
Paul and
Barnabas left Cyprus and came to
where John Mark would leave them and return to Jerusalem for unknown
reasons. From Perga they would travel north inland to
where they would go into the synagogue of the Jews on the Sabbath. As the
invitation is given to speak, Paul is going to preach the Gospel and this
becomes Paul’s first recorded sermon.
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Sermon Events –
Text #1:
Acts 13:42-45
when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these
words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.
Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout
proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them
to continue in the grace of God.
On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of
But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and
contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by Paul.”
Vs. 42-43
– At the conclusion of the sermon to the Jews in Antioch, Paul would obtain
an appointment to preach again the next Sabbath, because of the requests of
the Gentiles. Some of the Jews and proselytes were anxious to hear more;
they obviously were able to see the value of Paul’s words.
They were
told by Paul to
“Continue in the
grace of God”.
There is
much debate concerning whether or not these were believers unto salvation,
based on the words of Paul and Barnabas. We would be very naive to think
that the Body of Christ in Antioch was made up only of Gentiles (Vs.
52 – as Paul and Barnabas
would continue with these Jews and proselytes for the remainder of the week
as well); however, based on the context of
verses 42-45, we have to see that Paul is encouraging them on two
distinct things:
continue in the right attitude towards the grace of God – see:
Acts 14:3;
Titus 2:11-15 – which would lead them to become Christians
and keep them once they were.
Paul is also commending them to continue in the grace of God in the face
of the coming opposition to this grace that is about to rise and trouble
these who have seen clearly.
– Greek ‘Sunagoge’; here
translated congregation, in most places, translated, “synagogue”.
Vs. 44
– The talk about Paul and Barnabas and the sermon they had preached the
former Sabbath has spread from the proselytes to the other Gentiles and the
result was a vast interest spreading through the city. Imagine the interest
created by Paul’s sermon, in that there were no requirements to become Jews
or adopt Jewish separate laws.
Vs. 45
– We see here that the Jews are envious; not during the regular week, not by
agitators, but by the sight of the masses of Gentiles. To this end, Luke
records that they objected vehemently and went to the length of blasphemy
(to speak evil of God – different from revile, which is to speak evil of
men), against Jesus as the Christ (Who was to be Superior to Moses and the
Law –
Text #2:
Acts 13:46-47
Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said, “It was necessary that the word of God
should be spoken to you first; but since you reject it, and judge yourselves
unworthy of everlasting life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles.
For so the Lord has commanded us:
‘I have set you as a light to the Gentiles,
That you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.’””
It may be
redundant at this stage to point out that this is going to be a repetitive
pattern in many of the cities that Paul will come to; however, it is
important to note the procedure for its expedient nature. Paul will use the
expediency of synagogue worship to often initiate the Gospel to a location
first, then use this word of mouth system to bring it to vast amounts of
others as well.
Both Paul
and Barnabas boldly acknowledge that the Gospel was to come to the Jews
first, as they were to be those who would help usher in the kingdom of
heaven (Acts
4:11 “you
Romans 1:16).
In the
rejection of the Gospel; however, they have
judged themselves unworthy of
the life it was to bring. This states clearly that by throwing away the
words of life, they act as judges in their own case; to even proclaim the
verdict! They would have no one to blame in this day, but themselves, and
this is universally true for every man who will do the same, regardless of
“We Turn to
the Gentiles”
Here, at
last, Paul’s mission as defined by the Lord comes to full realization,
“To bear My name
before Gentiles” –
9:15. The power of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ would create saints who would be devoid completely of
the teaching of the synagogue and Jewish traditions. It would be formed by
those called out of the world by its power into a glorious bride for Jesus
Christ –
Ephesians 5:23-27.
Paul now
announces a powerful fulfillment of prophecy made by Isaiah; who will now
become the spokesmen out of the prophets of Israel. This is given to show
them that if they are going to revile the words of Paul and Barnabas, they
are going to have to first comprehend that they are speaking blasphemy
against God’s Great Servant (a term used by Isaiah to describe the work of
the Messiah in four songs – 1st song –
Isaiah 42:1-13; 2nd song –
Isaiah 49:1-13; 3rd song –
Isaiah 50:4-11; 4th song –
Isaiah 52:13-53:12).
confirms in fulfillment of the Servant’s (Messiah’s) work, that those whom
He has sent are to accomplish that which was said of Him; preach to the
Gentiles that light and salvation can be brought to the furthest parts of
the earth! God Himself has appointed the Messiah for this work – Remember
the Great Promise made to Abraham,
in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Genesis 12:3.
in the Gospel of Christ for all men:
Galatians 3:26-29
“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you
are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you are Christ’s,
then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Text #3:
Acts 13:48-52
“Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of
the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.
And the word of the Lord was being spread throughout all the region.
But the Jews stirred up the devout and prominent women and the chief men of
the city, raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them
from their region.
But they shook off the dust from their feet against them, and came to
And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
From the Greek, ‘Tasso’, to put
in place, to station, or to place in a certain order. In the majority of
places in the New Testament that this word is translated, it is translated,
“Set in order” (see example –
Corinthians 11:34 - NKJV).
coincides with the precedence set in
2:47 –
“added to the church
daily those who were being saved”. This passage is not teaching
“special election”, as we know that the Apostle Peter has already
established that God is not a respecter of persons –
These were
‘set in order’ because they were glad to hear the word, they glorified the
word of God, and they didn’t judge themselves unworthy, but had the attitude
of appreciation.
This would
not only establish disciples among these, but the entire region as well;
however, at the same time many were being convicted to obey, many were also
convicted to lash out against Paul and Barnabas (once again showing that the
Gospel universally convicts men of sin to one of two choices –
16:16). This last group would stir up men and women of high
standing in the city and expel Paul and Barnabas; but not before the success
of the Gospel is established.
with Joy and Holy Spirit”
They had the best ‘Parakletos’
(Greek – one with the ability to give aid), the Holy Spirit who filled their
hearts and gave them joy. Luke makes no mention of a charismatic presence,
but of the gracious spiritual presence that was mediated objectively by the
Word through faith in the Savior Jesus the Christ (Vs.23;
Romans 10:17;
Galatians 3:2,