Chapter Nineteen –
Third Journey of Paul
ACTS 19:23-41:
We actually began the third journey in
Chapter 18:23. Paul returned from the second journey to Antioch
of Syria and then went out again to the region of
strengthening the brethren in these locations; Luke tells us.
Please use this map:
Paul has
come to
and has met and worked with disciples of the coming Messiah by the work of
John the Baptist. He would now more accurately explain the way of God
through Jesus Christ to them (see:
18:26). Paul would continue to work in the synagogues of the Jews
for 3 months; however, when some were hardened, he went to the school of
Tyrannus and continued to teach from this singular location for two years,
successfully bringing the Gospel’s
truth to
all of Asia. At the conclusion of the events that transpired in the first
two years at Ephesus (special miracles, false exorcists, and the word of the
Lord growing mightily and prevailing). We will now look into events that
would make up the remainder of the time he will stay in
In our
previous lesson, Paul staying in Ephesus
“For a time” –Acts
19:22; would become aware of problems in the
Body of Christ at
(messengers from the household of Chloe –
Corinthians 1:11, and a letter composed by the brethren and sent
to him –
he would write the first letter to them and send it by Titus (2
Corinthians 2:12-13;
Now we will
move into events that will cause Paul to change his plans prematurely (he
wanted to stay here in Ephesus until Pentecost (1
Corinthians 16:8); which he believed was enough time for Titus to
return with a report while he was still in Ephesus. However, these events
starting in our text, will cause Paul to leave before he wants and take the
route he assumes Titus will take in coming to him.
Text #1:
Acts 19:23-28
“And about that time there arose a great commotion about the Way.
24 For
a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines
of Diana, brought no small profit to the craftsmen.
25 He
called them together with the workers of similar occupation, and said: “Men,
you know that we have our prosperity by this trade.
26 Moreover
you see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but throughout almost all Asia,
this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are
not gods which are made with hands.
27 So
not only is this trade of ours in danger of falling into disrepute, but also
the temple of the great goddess Diana may be despised and her magnificence
destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worship.”
28 Now
when they heard this, they were full of wrath and cried out, saying,
“Great is Diana of the Ephesians!””
The Way:
This is the third of four times that this term is used of the disciples of
Jesus Christ (saints) – see:
This term is a direct reference to the words of the Lord Himself in
describing the only “Way” to
come to God –
John 14:6.
The Christ of God is additionally the only
Door –
John 10:8-9;
the only Light –
2 Corinthians 4:6;
the only Bread and the only
Water –
John 6:48-51;
the only Vine –
John 15:1,
and the only Name –
Acts 4:12;
Philippians 2:9-11.
This citizen of Ephesus is one who has made himself a healthy living by
taking advantage of the people by making and selling his silver symbols of
Artemis (Diana), to the people. He is now erupting against Paul, who is
converting many out of idolatry and effecting his income.
The Jews
persecuted Paul often because he preached Jesus as the Christ; however, the
Gentiles only persecuted Paul for His work in the Gospel when it effected
their livelihood.
are some good photos in the introduction to Ephesus that will help define
both the temple and the shrines of Artemis –
use this link:
Text #2:
Acts 19:29-34
“So the whole city was filled with confusion, and
rushed into the theater with one accord, having seized Gaius and
Aristarchus, Macedonians, Paul’s travel companions.
30 And
when Paul wanted to go in to the people, the disciples would not
allow him.
31 Then
some of the officials of Asia, who were his friends, sent to him pleading
that he would not venture into the theater.
32 Some
therefore cried one thing and some another, for the assembly was
confused, and most of them did not know why they had come together.
33 And
they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him
forward. And Alexander motioned with his hand, and wanted to make his
defense to the people.
34 But
when they found out that he was a Jew, all with one voice cried out for
about two hours, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!””
City was
Filled with Confusion:
and the guild of silversmiths caused an uproar because their way of making
money was in danger. However, they used another reason to stir up the city;
that is, Paul was trying to make their great goddess Artemis (Diana) of no
Paul Wanted
to go in to the People:
The mob
had taken two of Paul’s companions, Gaius and Aristarchus into the theatre
(Gaius is a very popular name in the New Testament – this one is probably
the one also known as Secundus of Thessalonica;
Acts 20:4
and Aristarchus is also mentioned in that same passage, as well as traveling
with Paul to Rome;
Acts 27:2,
and in Rome with Paul;
Colossians 4:10;
Philemon 24).
wanted to go in and help them, but the disciples, and the officers in charge
of the festivals, talked him out of it (they were his friends). Paul would
speak of this great trouble for his companions and himself in his second
letter to the Corinthians (2
Corinthians 1:8-11).
The Greek word used here in its generic sense (and in
Verse 41),
is the word “ecclesia”,
which in its generic use simply means “The called out”.
Here it is used in its most
simplistic form and is identifying the people of Ephesus who have been
“called out” by the ruckus to a central location. For the
Body of Christ, it is defined as
the “called out” of the world (sin and Satan), into a relationship with God
through Christ Jesus – See:
Acts 26:18;
and often translated in our English Bibles as, “Church”.
Was a Jew and was evidently put forward by the Jews to add to Paul’s
affliction; however, it didn’t work since the Jews didn’t serve idols and
spoke against it as well. This effort caused the mass of Ephesians to cry
out for two hours.
Text #3:
Acts 19:35-41
“And when the city clerk had quieted the crowd, he said:
“Men of Ephesus, what man is there who does not know that the city of the
Ephesians is temple guardian of the great goddess Diana, and of the image
which fell down from Zeus?
36 Therefore,
since these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet and do nothing
37 For
you have brought these men here who are neither robbers of temples nor
blasphemers of your goddess.
38 Therefore,
if Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a case against anyone, the courts
are open and there are proconsuls. Let them bring charges against one
39 But
if you have any other inquiry to make, it shall be determined in the lawful
40 For
we are in danger of being called in question for today’s uproar, there being
no reason which we may give to account for this disorderly gathering.”
41 And
when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.”
City Clerk:
We are going to be given a view of the wisdom of this city clerk who is
burdened with stopping this riot before the Romans, who govern here, do (Vs.
Here is a quick list of the logical systematic defense he uses to defuse the
To an
Ephesian, what they are upset about cannot be refuted (Vs.
No true
crime has been committed by the existing laws (Vs.
Even if
there has truly been wrong done, there is a right way of doing things
vs. 38-41.
Next: “Journey
to Greece!”