Chapter Nineteen –
Third Journey of Paul
ACTS 19:4-10:
We actually began the third journey in
Chapter 18:23. Paul returned from the second journey to Antioch
of Syria and then went out again to the region of
strengthening the brethren in these locations; Luke tells us.
Please use this map:
Now that we
have a good understanding of the environment of Ephesus, we can engage in
the events of Paul’s coming to
In our
previous lesson, we looked into the arrival of Paul in Ephesus and his
probing questions asked to disciples of the coming Messiah by the work of
John the Baptist. In this lesson, having established where to begin, he will
now more accurately explain the way of God through Jesus Christ to them
Text #1:
Acts 19:4-7
Paul said, “John indeed baptized with a baptism of repentance, saying to the
people that they should believe on Him who would come after him, that is, on
Christ Jesus.”
5 When
they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And
when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they
spoke with tongues and prophesied.
7 Now
the men were about twelve in all.”
As we noted
in the previous lesson, Paul, thinking they were disciples of the Messiah
assumed that they had been baptized into Jesus Christ, and thus the kingdom
(“Into what then were you baptized?”
Baptism is and always will be for true believers (Acts
8:37). In addition, Paul also knew that baptism put you into, or
added you to something (see:
Now Paul is
going to define the difference between the two baptisms (John’s baptism
prior to the kingdom, and baptism into Christ Jesus and the kingdom).
between the Two Baptisms:
John’s baptism was predicated
on belief; however, pointed forward towards the Christ (the finality of
His great work on our behalf).
The baptism of the kingdom,
or into Jesus Christ, points back to the cross (unto His death –
Romans 6:3).
John’s baptism was into a
state of repentance awaiting the coming of the kingdom, as John’s work
was to prepare the way (Isaiah
John 1:23).
These who had been baptized
in preparation for the coming of the kingdom, are now going to be
baptized into the name of Jesus as the Christ (or under His authority as
now both Lord and Christ –
Acts 2:36), thus to wear His name as the only name given
under heaven by which we must be saved –
Acts 4:12.
The baptism of the kingdom
(into Jesus Christ), additionally guarantees the believer the additional
guidance of the Holy Spirit of God –
Acts 2:38;
Jesus’ covenant was not to take effect until after His death (Hebrews
9:15-16); thus the instruction of Jesus the Christ to those who
would become His disciples (A term to describe those in Christ, very early
on –
15:10), was to be a gift that they would continue to receive post
their entrance into the kingdom. This would additionally be something every
Christian or disciple of Christ was commanded to seek and use as their sole
guide for righteousness and faith –
Romans 1:16-17
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God
to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for
the Greek.
17 For
in it
the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written,
“The just shall live by faith.””
Colossians 1:9-12
“For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do
not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the
knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
10 that
you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful
in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
11 strengthened
with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and
longsuffering with joy;
12 giving
thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance
of the saints in the light.”
Laid Hands
on Them:
As they now
know exactly who the Christ is and His expectations for entrance into the
kingdom, they would need after their baptism, to receive the knowledge that
produces the spiritual fruit that would strengthen, give patience and
longsuffering, joy, and thankfulness. As the written word was not yet
complete, the Holy Spirit worked through miraculous gifts for edification,
exhortation, and comfort (see:
Corinthians 12:7-11;
The receipt of the Spiritual gifts could only be enabled by an Apostle of
Jesus Christ, and we see this actuated by Paul here (see also:
Text #2:
Acts 19:8-10
“And he went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for
three months, reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the kingdom
of God.
9 But
when some were hardened and did not believe, but spoke evil of the Way
before the multitude, he departed from them and withdrew the disciples,
reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus.
10 And
this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word
of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.”
Paul would
continue his work here in Ephesus, initially to the Jews in the synagogues,
as he knew where to find them in mass. As the kingdom was preached,
“some” were hardened. One of the
interesting things about God’s word, as Luke reveals it to us, is that
although because of their effect on events we focus on those who were
hardened. However, we also should not that if only some were not persuaded,
that leaves some who were.
Because of
the disruption and persecution by the
“some” who were hardened, Paul
was forced to move to a different location to continue his work in the
Here we are
introduced to the school of Tyrannus (Acts
Some have
believed that it was a privately owned school of Greek language and culture
(probable); while others thought it may be a privately owned synagogue (not
very likely, as Paul would go there post the rejection of his teaching by
the Jews). The truth is that it cannot be substantiated beyond a shadow of a
doubt either way.
we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Paul is going to use this
location as a center to preach and teach.
All Asia:
Paul has already been in Ephesus for three months, working with the Jews. He
is now going to spend two solid years working out of this location; in
addition, we will learn that Paul will stay in Ephesus even after the two
years for “a time” (19:22;
and even though Luke does not give us the exact time, Paul will make mention
that his entire stay in Ephesus was three years –
As we have
mentioned in the introductory material, Ephesus was the Roman capital of the
province of Asia, and was the pilgrimage destination of all who traveled to
the temple of Artemis. This brought people from all over Asia to this
central location; where Paul would teach, convert, and they would then
return home to assemble and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
This work
of Paul would, after his time in Ephesus, leave congregations of God’s
people in Christ in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis,
Philadelphia, Laodicea, Hierapolis, and Colossi (Colossians
Revelation 2-3).