Chapter Two –
Coming of Power – 1st Gospel Sermon
ACTS 2:40-42:
In our last lesson, we looked at the fulfillment of the commission of Jesus
to His chosen Apostles for the very first time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
as King was preached for the very first time (2:22-36);
as it was commissioned to be preached to everyone (Mark
16:15). At the beset of the convicted audience, the rest of the
commissioned instructions were given (2:37-39).
This set the precedence for the preaching of the Gospel and the obedience
instructed alongside it, from this point forward.
God’s plan of salvation has been shared with these Jews on this Day of
Pentecost; however, it is not complete until they fulfill their part!
Text #1:
Acts 2:40-41 “And
with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from
this perverse generation.”
Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about
three thousand souls were added to them.”
Testified and Exhorted:
There is a universal message being shared here that we must take notice of.
It is one thing to be convicted in understanding; it is a completely
different thing to act upon those convictions. Peter is not going to rest
his case in hope (“with many other words”); instead, he is going to
give further factual information (“testified”), and he is going to
charge them to do their duty (“exhorted”).
Be Saved:
God has done His part in the provision for the redemption of man; here,
Peter shares that man must do his part. This is the ultimate understanding
of [personal responsibility]. In addition, it is also Peter’s intent
to show that the provision of God is one that translates (changes) the one
who chooses to be saved by it, out of a crooked or perverse generation
(where these crooked or perverse remain by choice, as the Gospel was to be
preached to all). Even after one chooses to be saved from the perverse
environment around them, it would be instructed by the Apostles of Christ
that they continue to “lay hold” of, or continue to “work out”
their own “salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians
Hebrews 4:1
since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you
seem to have come short of it.”
2 Peter 1:8-10
if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither
barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has
forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.
Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election
sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble”
Gladly Received:
The ones that received the words of the Apostles were baptized. Neither can
we receive the word today without being baptized. About three thousand souls
had their sins washed away that day in baptism; therefore, they saved
themselves through the provision of God (the only method that could be
chosen for this result), as commanded by the Apostles of Jesus Christ. They
are added to the Apostles (the ones who are speaking to them), and will now
constitute the “Called Out” (the
church –
2:47), to be called out of darkness
and service to Satan, to knowing the light and service to God (Acts
Text #2:
Acts 2:42 “And
they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
Continued Steadfastly:
These who have laid hold of their salvation, did not forsake their new found
way of life; but continued in the Apostles teaching (doctrine), and
commanded acts of worship. In addition, this is the first day of the week!
It will also set an additional precedence for when these acts of worship
should be observed. When this is combined with:
1 Corinthians 11:17-22;
10:24-25 – we learn that not only was this the day that these
early Christians gave themselves to worship (in every aspect), but also did
not forsake at the cost of detriment to their service.
Apostle’s Doctrine:
The Apostles were commanded to teach, then baptize, and then teach all
things that Jesus had commanded to be taught to disciples (Matthew
28:18-20). This would once again make it the individual
disciple’s responsibility to learn. The teaching of the Apostles would not
be a doctrine born in their own minds, but would literally be the mind of
Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (John
1 Corinthians 2:10-16).
Everything mentioned in this verse is categorically acts of worship. They
are distinguished together from other things the disciples will do, post
their conversion to the Gospel. The importance of
“Fellowship” is to discern that
all worship is to be done collectively. This is what gives us joint
participation towards a common goal.
Breaking of Bread:
This was a universal term that is descriptive of an entire meal; however, in
the context of this verse it is associated with acts of worship. In addition
to the association with acts of worship, the word
“ate” (2:46),
or “eaten” (20:11),
[are missing]! These are
words that come from variations of the Greek ‘Geuo’,
which describes the tasting of, perceiving flavor of, or to partake to
enjoy. All describing the satisfaction of the flesh. In this absence,
we know that it is referring to a spiritual meal, one where the discernment
thereof, was for a purpose completely different than the satisfaction of the
flesh. It is referring to the Lord’s Supper. This was spoken of
prophetically by the Lord to His Apostles –
Mark 14:22-26;
22:14-23. It would be enforced in the kingdom through the
doctrine of the Apostles (Acts
1 Corinthians 11:23-26). This would
be a memorial that would be observed every time the disciples of Christ
would come together (Acts
1 Corinthians 11:17-18,
in other words, every first day of the week!
One of the greatest blessings enjoyed by disciples of Christ in this life is
the privilege of PRAYER, by which we can approach God.
prayer, the disciple can find [FORGIVENESS]
for sins
Acts 8:22-24;
1 John 1:9.
Through prayer, the disciple can find [PEACE]
to replace anxiety –
Philippians 4:6-7.
Through prayer, the disciple can receive [STRENGTH]
from God through His Spirit–
Ephesians 3:14-16.
It must be offered “IN THE NAME OF JESUS”.
Ephesians 5:20
“Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ”.
This means
much more than simply adding a little phrase
“in Jesus' name” at the end of
our prayers! It carries the same importance of authority as baptism in the
name of Jesus Christ (vs.
38). A singular source of authority appointed by God (Matthew
28:18), by which all things are [offered
to God acceptably]. This is the purpose of Jesus Christ as our only High
Priest, so that everything offered to God, by us, can be acceptable –
Ephesians 2:12 “that
at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of
Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and
without God in the world.”
This alienation from God, prior to obedience to the Gospel’s call, also
alienates one from being recognized as His (2
Timothy 2:19), and heard by God. After baptism and
“in” Christ, note the change of
Ephesians 2:13 “But
now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the
blood of Christ.”
Next: “The Lord Added to the Church Those Being