5 Characteristics of the Godly!
Scripture Reading: Luke 14:7-11
The Godly are Humble!
God cannot ever use anyone, who is not humble. Matthew 5:3 – Four
Greek words are translated to the English Humble or Humility, they mean,
means being of low estate. It means seeing others as higher than our self.”
The word (tapeinoo) literally means "to level a mountain or a hill."
Humble people are those who have no hills sticking up. They are not filled
up with the hot air of arrogance and pride.
When we see just how high and far above God is than we are, we should be
“One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will
obtain honor” (Prov 29:23).
It was once seen as the deadliest of sins, but nowadays it has become a
virtue in our culture of self-expression. We admire the proud. The
advertising industry feeds our pride: “You deserve this product.” In sharp
contrast, Jesus modeled humility. Before Jesus, no one ever used “humble” as
a compliment. People desire power and glory; they are driven by selfish
ambition…yet Jesus wore a different kind of glory--the glory of humility.
“Humility is not denying your strengths; it is being honest about your
It is easier for us to humble ourselves than for God to do it for us; and
God may have too. If we humble ourselves today, God “may lift you up
in due time” (1 Peter 5:6).
The number of men that God used that either voluntarily humbled themselves
(like Moses) or were humbled by God (Jonah) is extensive in
the Bible. Paul called himself the chief of all sinners (1st Tim 1:15)
and the least of the apostles (1st Cor 15:9), even though he may have
actually been the greatest of the apostles, perhaps even the least of all
Paul’s Humility – 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
A godly man is one who esteems others better than himself as Paul writes, (Phil
2:3-4) even as Jesus Christ did (Phil 2:6-8). He will allow God
to exalt him in due time (Phil 2:9-11).
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